Brisa Carleton, debut author website
I love the swanky, sultry, evocative mood of Brisa’s debut author website. The gray, black and teal color palette really works with the textures of the cover background, and I love the titling font too.Visit Brisa Carleton’s site.

Audrey Ingram, author website redesign
Audrey Ingram wanted a website redesign to showcase her new (third) book, The Summer We Ran. I featured it on the Home page while also keeping her earlier two books in a secondary panel below, along with a rotating testimonial

Carolyn Dasher, debut author website
I loved working with the cover of Carolyn’s debut novel, American Sky. It has a distinctive color palette and such a lovely, nostalgic feel. I added in some clouds for the background and used the airplanes as accents, I also

Kate Woodworth, debut author website design
I loved working with the cover of Kate Woodworth’s debut novel, Little Great Island. I kept the site spare and light so the colors would pop. It feels contemporary and tasteful, and fits well with Kate’s vibe.Visit Kate Woodworth’s site.

Deb Miller, debut author website design
For Deb Miller’s debut author site I pulled from the vibrant greens and pinks of her book cover, as well as the concept of the “broken fairy tale.” Since Deb’s memoir is titled Forget the Fairy Tale and Find Your

Lois Cahall, website redesign
Lois Cahall needed a fresh design to showcase her third book, a historical fiction novel. We went with a palette of rich greens and grays, feminine, elegant, reminiscent of another era. View Lois Cahall’s site.

Julie Weise, Author & Academic
Julie wanted a site that conveyed vibrancy and color. She selected this image of a busy street in Mexico City, but instead of just plopping it on the page, I decided to play around with it, creating three interconnecting panels

Helen Winslow Black, author site redesign
Helen needed a site redesign to showcase her new book, Songs My Mother Taught Me (love this title!). We branded with her new book cover, but also kept her first book in view on the Home page. Even though the

Matthew Becker, Debut Author
Matt Becker’s debut author website was one of those dream projects – it came together quickly, seamlessly, and without a hitch. You’d never know he lives half a world away, in Uzbekistan! That’s the power of the internet. Visit Matthew

Jennifer S. Brown, author website redesign
Jennifer writes fiction that takes place primarily in 1920’s-30’s New York City, so for her site I wanted to convey a “historical” vibe. I love this cityscape image of the Brooklyn Bridge, which I colorized. It has a light quality

Cape Cod Book Festival Website Design
I first met Lois Cahall in 2018 at the Palm Beach Book Festival, which she founded. She contacted me because she wanted to start up a brand new book festival on Cape Cod — I was surprised one didn’t already

HSquash Cambridge, Website and Logo Design
Harvard University squash coaches Luke Hammond and Hameed Ahmed wanted to rebrand their junior squash program. We came up with a catchy name and memorable logo that evokes Harvard’s branding while still feeling unique, youthful and fresh. View the HSquash

Meghana V. Nayak, Debut Author
Meghana Nayak’s cover for Tilt is bright and bold, but the novel deals with a serious subject, intergenerational trauma. I wanted to create a site that was equally strong and vibrant, but that also feels soft and nurturing. I found

Adrian Slywotzky, Conductor
Back in the days before I published a book, I was a musician and did lots of design work for bands and musicians, so I was super excited to work on Adrian Slywotzky’s site. He had great images of orchestras

Debra Spark, Author Website
Debra is a prolific author who needed a website revamp before the release of her new novel, Discipline. She wanted something whimsical and unique, so we decided to use illustrations created by her brother-in-law. Creative with a touch of humor.View

Sara Shukla, Debut Author
I first met Sara at the start of the pandemic, when we bonded as spouses of doctors working in hospitals in dire need of PPE. Amazingly, Sara was able to complete her first novel during those dark days — Pink

MJ Wassmer, Debut Author
I loved working with the cover for Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend, MJ Wassmer’s debut. It’s bold, fun, and memorable, so I created the website to complement, rather than compete. We put MJ’s author photo on the Home page, which

Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Anesthesiology Residency Program
I love the work that I do for the Boston area hospitals. Since much of their branding is already established, I get to really focus on content organization, information design, and copy editing. One of my biggest pet peeves is

Deluxe Dog Digs Website Design
I love working with individuals and small businesses, and what could be more fun than designing a website for pet-sitting services? And working with ridiculously cute photos of dogs (and cat)? I also love the vibe of Allegra’s site, warm

Claudine Wolk, author website design
Claudine wanted to feature two books on her Home page, so we went with a stacked “one-page” layout and included her bio/contact info. One of my biggest beefs with pre-fab templates is how they use unnecessarily tall sections that scroll

Lisa Bailey, Author and Forensic Artist
Lisa’s site showcases her book, Clay and Bones, as well as her professional career as a forensic artist. This was one of those projects, that seemed to drag on and on – waiting on the cover, changes to the cover,

Julie Ushio, Writer
Julie is in the process of looking for representation for her novel, so she wanted a web presence that felt writerly and professional. She wanted to keep the design spare, but to include a bit of background texture. It’s almost

Ed Park, Novelist
Ed Park’s website redesign was an interesting challenge. His first novel, Personal Days, is a satirical office drama with lots of humor, while his new book, Same Bed Different Dreams, is quite different – a genre-bending historical novel set in

Dr Rosie Helps the Animals, educational site
Jennifer Welborn came to me with a slightly different request: instead of a traditional author site, she wanted a companion site to her children’s book, Dr. Rosie Helps the Animals. The site would provide not just information about the book,

Alma Garcia, Debut Author
Back in January, I offered a free website to a debut author who didn’t yet have one. I’ve done this for the past few years now, it’s one small way I can give back to the writing community — also,

Shadra Strickland, Children’s Book Illustrator
Shadra is a prolific artist and children’s book illustrator, who is also now penning her own children’s books. We wanted her site to showcase all the books she has illustrated, as well as her artwork. I used a full page

Emily Singler, Veterinarian and Author
Emily is a veterinarian who has written a book helping vet professionals navigate pregnancy and working parenthood. We wanted to showcase both Emily as a professional, as well as her book. Luckily, she had a gorgeous headshot, which I was

Amy Hagstrom, Debut Author
Amy knew she wanted a compact “one-page” site, so we put her book, bio, and contact info on the Home page. We branded with her cover palette, which is gorgeous and mysterious. I love how clean and elegant this site

K.E. Semmel, Literary Translator and Writer
Kyle is an experienced literary translator with many translated books to his name. He will also be coming out with a novel of his own. For the central panel on his Home page, I went with a colorized image to

Sonja Olson, Veterinarian and Author
Sonja has found a special niche offering care and support to veterinary professionals. We wanted to showcase her unique skills and services, in addition to her book. I love the purple and green palette we chose, as well as the

California Primary Care Association, Conference Materials
The California Primary Care Association asked me to help them with conference materials for their March Quality and Technology Conference. This included developing a color palette, logo and branding, as well as designing web banners, postcards, and a main conference

Shamar Knight-Justice, Artist & Illustrator
I was so excited when Shamar contacted me about revamping his portfolio website. I love his illustrations, and wanted to make sure his website did justice to the vibrancy of his art. I tried a few different layouts, and finally

ConcertCue, Synchronized Streaming Platform
ConcertCue is a synchronized streaming platform for live music, developed by MIT professor Eran Egozy, who also happens to be a very old friend of mine. Since ConcertCue is a novel application, we had to be careful to present it in

Elizabeth Gonzalez James, Author Website Design
Elizabeth had two new books forthcoming, so she wanted to transform her basic debut site into one that felt fuller and more vibrant. We decided to feature all three of her books on her Home page and go with a

Brianna Craft, debut author website design
I designed Brianna’s site to match the vibrance and boldness of her book, a climate change memoir. I love the yellows, and how it reflects her personality, energy, and character! Visit Brianna’s site.

Sage and Ginger, Interior Design
Emily Fuhrman wanted a new website that would reflect the style of her work: elegant, classy, with a touch of “spice.” I was thrilled to have the opportunity to work with her gorgeous photos, and we put together a portfolio

Tunnel of Truth, Podcast
Though I’m best known these days for my work with authors and author websites, I do, in fact, work with many other types of individuals, organizations and companies! (and have for 20+ years) Rachel Gerson came to me because

Yasmin Angoe, Author website design
Yasmin wanted her site to feel strong, mysterious, alluring and exciting. Since her book covers exuded those vibes, we went with stacked panels to feature both books on the Home page. I love the combination of the green and orange

Jennifer De Leon, author, speaker, educator
Jenn had multiple goals for her site – to present her newest book (Borderless), to present herself as a versatile author (both YA and adult, fiction and non-fiction), and to promote her services as a presenter and speaker. For the

Phoebe Rowe, Debut Author Website Design
Debut author sites remain some of my favorite projects. I love going all out with the design and branding with a debut author’s first book cover. Phoebe’s novel, Swan Light, bridges both the historical and contemporary, so I matched a

Terah Harris, author and travel blogger
Terah needed a dual-purpose site to showcase her work as a photographer and travel blogger, as well as a debut author! This project was a little trickier than most debut sites as it required balancing Terah’s personal style, which is

Ruth Linnea Whitney, Author Website Design
Ruth’s site features her second novel, Mimosa Road. Because the cover art feels so expansive, I decided to go with a full image background (no separate header bar). I love the gentle color palette, which I continued across the site

Karen Fine, Author and Veterinarian
Karen is both an author and a veterinarian, and she wanted her site redesign to focus on her new book, The Other Family Doctor. We branded with the cover, which is super adorable, but made sure the site also feels

Elizabeth Shick, Debut Author Website Design
I designed Elizabeth’s debut author site to complement the cover for The Golden Land, which is striking and bold. I love the yellows and oranges, not so commonly seen. The site has an extensive Myanmar resources section, including a reading

Elizabeth Graver, Author Website Design
Elizabeth is a prolific author who wanted a site redesign that would showcase her newest book, Kantika. To lend the site a “historic” quality, I created a parchment paper background and used old photos from her book to accent the

Kristen Loesch, Debut Author
Kristen’s site was easy to design because her cover elements are so beautiful! I drew from the gold texture and Russian flowers. I love the gold/red/orange palette, and the splashes of green. I also designed matching social media banners and

Kavita Das, Writer, Speaker, Teacher
Kavita wanted a bold site to showcase her new book, Craft and Conscience, as well as the classes and presentations that accompany it. We used secondary panels on her Home page for announcements, and for site background I drew from

Aisling Fowler, Middle Grade Author
Aisling needed to launch both the UK and USA versions of her middle-grade fantasy novel, so we decided to feature both, side-by-side, on her Home page. She also wanted to make sure the site didn’t feel too dark/heavy, so we